The foundation and building of CEDR

CEDR was founded in 1990 with the support of the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) and leading law firms and business and public sector organisations. Today CEDR is a leading independent Alternative Dispute Resolution Centre and the largest conflict management and resolution consultancy in the world.

Karl Mackie, CEDR’s Founder President and Eileen Carroll QC (Hon), CEDR’s Principal Mediator and Co-Founder, now practice as leading members of CEDR’s panel of independent ADR professionals.

Eileen and Karl would like to thank many others who helped establish CEDR as the world-class ADR Centre it is today, including, CEDR’s first Members and the original members of the Founding Steering Committee, as well as past and current CEDR Directors, Staff and our Trustees.


CEDR timeline

All of Karl’s work is managed through CEDR Chambers (Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution). To enquire about Karl’s availability or to book him for a mediation call the Commercial Team on +44 (0)20 7536 6060 or email To contact Karl directly,; M +44 (0)7958 523025.