Dr Karl Mackie CBE, Full time Mediator
Karl Mackie is often described as “a first among equals” in the senior mediator community and one of the most regular names in mediator recommendations. He brings an unparalleled depth and breadth of experience to commercial mediation as one of its key experts and founders in Europe. Karl has worked for over 25 years across domestic and international cases and in a huge range of business, public sector and private client matters and in commercial contracts, shareholder and Board disputes, energy, infrastructure, insurance, finance, employment, media and sports.
Founder President, CEDR
Karl qualified as a barrister and as an occupational psychologist, and spent the second half of his career as co-founder and CEO of CEDR, leading its development and recognition as an international conflict consultancy and leading ADR institution. Alongside his commercial mediation work, he is an independent arbitrator and adjudicator with ACAS, a mediator for United Nations management disputes, and Independent Arbitrator and Mediator for a major UK Government Department. He has a number of other appointments in dispute resolution schemes and is on the international panels of distinguished professionals of the New York CPR Institute, the Singapore International Commercial Mediation Centre and the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission.
He is also regularly engaged for troubleshooting work as an independent Mediator or Chairman in Board and intra-organisational disputes. His ability to innovate in ADR practice and thinking is widely recognised. His most recent innovatory work has been in mediating between multinationals and human rights organisations. His work in founding CEDR and in successful major mediations, led to him being the first and only commercial mediator to receive recognition with the award of a CBE, Commander of the British Empire, in 2010.
Thoughts from Karl
CEDR says... Blog
Articles by Karl
Seminar paper "Breakthrough! - The Myths and Magic of Mediation"
All of Karl’s work is managed through CEDR Chambers (Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution). To enquire about Karl’s availability or to book him for a mediation call the Commercial Team on +44 (0)20 7536 6060 or email adr@cedr.com. To contact Karl directly, kmackie@cedr.com; M +44 (0)7958 523025.